
Hello! 👋 If you’re a British/American couple in a Long Distance Relationship (LDR), or you’re looking at options for settling down in the UK, USA, or both. You’ve come to the right place!

This site is run by Megan and Chris (@closedthedistance on Instagram). We were a long distance couple from 2017 until 2019, and would like to share the tips we learned for travelling long distance. Though Megan has now moved from the US to the UK, we both miss the States and have a grand ambition to set up a life in both countries. It’s a financial, legal and logistical minefield, requiring a lot of planning – so we thought we’d set up this site to capture it all! You can also read about how we met, or read all about Megan’s experiences of living in the UK!

About Megan

I am currently living in Cambridge, United Kingdom working as an Apheresis nurse.

I moved here from St. Louis, MO, USA February 2019. I thought it would be nice to write about my adventures over here and maybe give some travel tips that I have discovered.

About Chris

I’m Megan’s other half! I’m also a web engineer and put this site together.

I love the UK but I also love visiting the USA, and so Megan & I genuinely hope to put down roots in each country one day! We thought it would be useful to share what we’ve learned – see How to close the distance.